옐로아이디 친구 추가 @프랑스 네이버 하이프랑스 블로그 네이버 하이프랑스 카페 불어 공부방 쎄비앙프랑스어학원 시원스쿨 프랑스어

IPAC International Business and Marketing - Annecy

IPAC International Business and Marketing - Annecy

2014-09-25 13:51:44

운영자 조회:921


I am informing you that IPAC, School of management based in Annecy, in France (near Geneva)
will be presenting the:

Top up degree in international Business and Marketing
on Thursday October 2d at 15 pm French time (GMT+1 Paris)
on Campus Channel.

Students will be able to connect on the session and ask questions before and directly during the

http://www.campus-channel.com/<wbr />international-students/en/<wbr />ipac-bachelor-in-<wbr />
international-business-<wbr />studies-with-marketing.html

They’ll be also able to review it after the presentation on October 2d.

This programme is targeting students with 2 years of higher Education in the field of Business or else,
who wish to validate a Bachelor in one year. Courses are fully taught in English and lecturers are
internationals and professionals in their field. The programme includes a 5 months work placement.

I am inviting you to pass on the information on to prospective students and I am looking forward to
signing with you an agreement if this programmes interests you.

Warm regards,

Géraldine Hussenot
IPAC International office Director
42, chemin de la prairie
74000 Annecy- France
IPAC  International Business and Marketing - Annecy

홈페이지 : http://www.hifrance.co.kr, hit:281

1/24, 총 글수 : 468

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